धन्यं यश्स्यमायुष्यं श्रीमद् व्यसनसूदनं । हर्षणं काम्यमोज्स्यं रत्नाभरणधारणं ।। ग्रहद्वष्टिहरं पुष्टिकरं दुःखप्रणाशनं । पापदौर्भाग्यशमनं रत्नाभरणधारणं ।।

Detailed Horoscope Reading

A comprehensive astrology consultation that addresses every aspect of your life. The process begins with an in-depth birth chart analysis, followed by an engaging Telephone or Video Conferencing (Zoom) session with astrologer Mayankesh. This all-inclusive consultation covers key areas such as education, career and business, love and marriage, health, finances and property, gemstone recommendations, and effective Vedic remedies. Gain clarity and actionable insights for a joyful and prosperous life. 

We offer three types of consultation sessions:
1. Focused Insights Session
2. In-Depth Life Analysis Session
3. Holistic & Comprehensive Life Guidance
Each session differs in duration and the depth of pre-analysis conducted on your birth chart, divisional charts, yogas, and other critical astrological elements.

Mayas Astrology

1 Select Consultation type as per Your Need

Focused Insights: 40-Minute Session (A targeted pre-analysis of the birth chart, offering concise answers and clear guidance.) , Fee : $ 58  $ 50 ,   You Save $ 8

In-Depth Life Analysis: 80-Minute Session (A detailed pre-analysis of the birth chart, providing insights into the key areas of life.) , Fee : $ 116  $ 83 ,   You Save $ 33

Holistic & Comprehensive Life Guidance: 120-Minute Session (A complete and deepest pre-analysis of the birth chart, covering all aspects of life with strategic planning for growth.) , Fee : $ 175  $ 116 ,   You Save $ 59

2 Enter Birth Information

Time: 24 hour format
Enter your Partner's birth detail
Time: 24 hour format


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Start your journey of self discovery, get personalized guidance to make confident decisions and live a purposeful and fulfilling life. Book your consultation today and let the stars guide you to a better tomorrow.